Public Records Request

Cleveland Municipal Court- General Division

Cleveland Municipal Court Public Records Request Policy


It is the intent and policy of Cleveland Municipal Court (“CMC”) to at all times provide public access to non-exempt case documents and administrative documents, in accordance with the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio, enumerated in rules 44 through 47 (commonly referred to as the “Public Access Rules").  

Public Records

A “case document” is defined to include any document submitted to a court or filed with a clerk in a judicial action or proceeding.  Specific examples include exhibits, pleadings, motions, orders, judgments, journals, dockets and indices.  Sup.R.44(C)(1). If seeking a case document please reach out to the Clerk of Courts.

An “administrative document” is defined as any document received or maintained by a court that serves to record administrative, fiscal, personnel, or management functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, organization, or other activities of the court.  Sup.R.44(G)(1).

This form is to request administrative documents and not case documents.  There is no requirement that a request be made in writing, however, it is beneficial for a request to be in writing for the purpose of enhancing the Court’s ability to respond to a request in a timely and accurate manner. Additionally, if the Court is unable to reasonably identify which public records are being requested, the petitioner may be required to revise the request. 

The request can be emailed to, faxed to 216.664.4777 or mailed to Court Administration, Cleveland Municipal Court 1200 Ontario St, 11th Floor Cleveland, OH 441113. Oral requests may be directed to Ed Ferenc, Public Information Officer @ 216.664.6787. 

* = Required Field

** To be Completed by Court Administration or Other Designated Staff

Date requestor notified: _______________________

Requester notified by: _____________________________         via:__________________________

Total Cost_________________ including postage cost of $__________________________________

Number of copies requested_________________

Copies of other Material__________________


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