23rd Annual
Cleveland Mock Trial Competition
Congratulations to all teams that participated in the 23rd Annual Cleveland Mock Trial Competition which took place on Friday May 17, 2019. The annual competition, under the direction of the Honorable Lauren C. Moore, engages Cleveland students and their teachers who spend a full day at the Justice Center presenting both sides of a hypothetical case that is based upon similar cases before the court.
1st Place - John Hay Early College
2nd Place - Collinwood High School
3rd Place - New Tech West #1
In addition to the three winning teams, the following students were awarded summer internships for their outstanding performances:
1. Outstanding Prosecuting Attorney – Naushay Whitson, New Tech West
2. Outstanding Defense Attorney – Tabaras Scott, Collinwood
3. Outstanding Witness – Sabrina Brooks, Collinwood
4. Outstanding Writer – Courtney White, John Hay Science and Medicine

The Cleveland Mock Trial Competition gives Cleveland high school students a chance to prepare their best legal arguments for an exciting day of competition with their peers each year in the spring.
Coached by volunteer attorneys and law students, the teams take turns representing the prosecution and defense in a criminal appeal, giving them the opportunity both to hone their legal skills and to learn more about important issues facing teens today. The top attorneys, witness, and essay writer are rewarded with a paid summer internship at the Cleveland Municipal Court.