2012 Magistrate Robing Ceremony

Following the Centennial State of the Court address on June 22, 2012, the Magistrates of the Cleveland Municipal Court were invested with judicial robes.  The robe is a sign of disinterest, objectivity and neutrality that the judiciary represents. As members of the judiciary, magistrates have evolved from the limited duties as court referees to become a significant and vital part of the justice system.  Judge Ronald B. Adrine and the Associate Judges of the Cleveland Municipal Court have honored the role that the magistrates play at the court by allowing them to wear the proper attire.  To distinguish the magistrates from the judges, the magistrates will wear charcoal grey robes to conduct their courtroom proceedings.
                 Judge Ronald B. Adrine
                        Adminstrative & Presiding Judge
Gregory F. Clifford     Franzetta D. Turner
                Chief Magistrate           Deputy Chief Magistrate
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