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Greater Cleveland Drug Court Reaches over 1500 Graduates!! Court Bailiff Supervisor is the Keynote Speaker

Jun 20, 2016
The 51st Graduation Ceremony of the Greater Cleveland Drug Court, under the direction of Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lauren C. Moore, will take place Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. in the Cuyahoga County Jury Assembly Room located on the fourth floor of the Justice Center.
Contact:  Ed Ferenc, Public Information Officer                                   
Cleveland Municipal Court
216 664 6787 / 216 789 2597

(Cleveland) – The 51st Graduation Ceremony of the Greater Cleveland Drug Court, under the direction of Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lauren C. Moore, will take place Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. in the Cuyahoga County Jury Assembly Room located on the fourth floor of the Justice Center.

29 people will graduate, which brings the total number of people who successfully completed the program to 1,524 since it began almost 18 years ago.  Of that number, almost 80% remain sober and drug-free.

The keynote speaker for the ceremony will be Thomas Mulgrew, an 18 year employee of the Cleveland Municipal Court, currently working as a Bailiff Supervisor.

Mr. Mulgrew realized the depths of his disease 24 years ago and has been sober since.  He attends two to four Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings every week.

“I didn’t get hold of AA, instead AA got a hold of me and I hope it never lets me go,” he said.

This will be the fourth graduation ceremony for Judge Moore who took full control of the Drug Court docket at the beginning of last year.  The Greater Cleveland Drug Court Program is one of four specialized dockets at the court.  The others include the Veterans Treatment, Mental Health and Human Trafficking Dockets.

Specialized dockets are courts that are dedicated to specific types of offenses or offenders and use a combination of different techniques for holding offenders accountable while also addressing the underlying causes of their behavior. There are more than 150 specialized dockets in Ohio.

The Drug Court Program began in the Cleveland Municipal Court in 1998 and has since expanded throughout Cuyahoga County. 
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