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Cleveland Courts Buildings Closed to Public Until June 8, 2020

Jun 02, 2020
(Cleveland) -- After extensive discussion with law enforcement and other government leaders, the Cuyahoga County Justice Center, Old Courthouse, Juvenile Court, and Courthouse Square will remain accessible only to essential personnel through the end of this week. No public will be admitted to the buildings until Monday, June 8.
Contact:  Ed Ferenc, Public Information Officer

Cleveland Municipal Court
216 664 6787 / 216 789 2597

(Cleveland) -- This statement is being provided on behalf of all divisions of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, the Eighth District Court of Appeals, and the Cleveland Municipal Court.  

After extensive discussion with law enforcement and other government leaders, the Cuyahoga County Justice Center, Old Courthouse, Juvenile Court, and Courthouse Square will remain accessible only to essential personnel through the end of this week. No public will be admitted to the buildings until Monday, June 8. 

All events scheduled in the Cleveland Municipal Court, Cleveland Housing Court and Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Courts are postponed, with the exception of jail arraignments.  The Courts, and the Clerk's Offices, remain open and available for emergency matters and filings. 

If you have any questions about what business can be conducted, please contact the Cleveland Municipal Court at216-664-4790, the Cleveland Housing Court at 216-664-4295, the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division, at 216-443-8562, the Juvenile Court at 216-443-3515, the Domestic Relations Court at 216-443-8820, the Probate Court at 216-443-8965, the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts at 216-443-7974, and the Eighth District Court of Appeals at 216-443-6350.

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