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Former Judge Appointed to Cleveland Municipal Bench

Feb 17, 2023
Magistrate and former common pleas judge Mark Majer was appointed today as a judge for the Cleveland Municipal Court.
Staff Report  (Courtesy of Court News Ohio)

clevelandappointment_021723-rev (2)Magistrate and former common pleas judge Mark Majer was appointed today as a judge for the Cleveland Municipal Court. Majer will begin his term on February 27. He is filling the seat formerly held by Pinky Carr. 

The judge-appointee is currently a magistrate for Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. He has served the juvenile court for 22 of his 30 years in the legal profession. Before his role as a magistrate, Majer has also been legal counsel and chief staff attorney for the court. His other professional experience includes six years as an assistant Cuyahoga County prosecutor.

Majer must win election in 2023 to keep his seat. He was previously appointed as judge for the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in 2021 to finish the term of retired Judge Dick Ambrose.

Majer is a Supreme Court of Ohio certified mediator and has been active in improving legal and judicial processes through leadership positions with the juvenile court, the Cuyahoga County Bar Association, and as a representative for national projects and task forces.

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