A free phone app is available for paying parking tickets in the City of Cleveland. “Getting a parking ticket is certainly a hassle”, said Cleveland Clerk of Courts Earle B. Turner, “but what’s worse than getting one is forgetting about it, and allowing late fees to be added, or worse, finding out that you can’t renew your tags because of old tickets. This app is another option of settling the ticket quickly”.

Contact: Obie Shelton
Public Information Officer
Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Courts
216 664 6106
sheltono@cmcoh.org www.cmcoh.org
A free phone app is available for paying parking tickets in the City of Cleveland. “Getting a parking ticket is certainly a hassle”, said Cleveland Clerk of Courts Earle B. Turner, “but what’s worse than getting one is forgetting about it, and allowing late fees to be added, or worse, finding out that you can’t renew your tags because of old tickets. This app is another option of settling the ticket quickly”.
The app, PAYTIX can be downloaded free of charge for either Android or Apple phones. Once downloaded, ticket barcodes can be scanned or the numbers entered manually for instant payment.
A ticket can be scanned on-the-spot after it is issued. If the ticket hasn’t been recorded in the Parking Violations Bureau’s database yet, a message shows that a notice will be sent on the app once the ticket has been entered. Payment can be made at that time.
The PAYTIX app adds to the options for settling parking tickets: They can be paid in person at the One-Stop Payment Center at 3040 Quigley Road in the flats, or online at Clevelandparkingtickets.com. They can also be paid by phone at (216) 664-4744.
Each parking ticket has instructions for how to contest it.