Judge Cassidy Receives Liberator Award - Original

The Honorable Marilyn B. Cassidy Receives
2017 Liberator Award

On Sunday, January 15, 2017, Cleveland Municipal Court Human Trafficking Docket Judge, the Honorable Marilyn B. Cassidy received the 2017 Liberator Award in Columbus, Ohio. The Liberator Award was created by S.O.A.P. (Save our Adolescents from Prostitution) to honor leading abolitionists of modern slavery. Judge Cassidy is shown here with author, advocate, survivor and S.O.A.P. founder Theresa Flores.

For more information about the Human Trafficking Specialized Docket please contact:

Karen Stanton
Docket Coordinator
Human Trafficking Specialized Docket
(216) 664-4779
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