75th Judge Larry A. Jones Drug Court Graduation

Judge Larry A Jones DC 10-30-2023 Graduation
The 75th Graduation Ceremony of the Judge Larry A. Jones Drug Court, under the direction of Judge Lauren C. Moore took place at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 30, 2023 at the Rocky River Municipal Court, located at 21012 Hilliard Blvd, Rocky River.  The keynote speaker for the ceremony will be Brendon Berns, one of several people instrumental in forming Project180, a support group for those in recovery.

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On behalf of Judge Moore and Program Coordinator, Emily Gibbs, thank you to all who participated in this event for your generous time and dedication. The total number of people who have successfully completed the Judge Larry A. Jones Drug Court program since it began in 1998 is 1,916. 

For more information about the Judge Larry A. Jones Drug Court please contact:
Emily Gibbs
Program Coordinator                                          
Direct Phone: 216 664 6656
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