GED Program Graduation

The 2019 Graduation Ceremony of the GED Program took place at the Cuyahoga Community College Metropolitan Campus on Thursday August 8, 2019.   Overseeing the ceremony was the Honorable Emanuella Groves with opening remarks provided by Judge Lauren Moore. Judge Pinkey Carr, Judge Sheila Turner-McCall and Judge Suzann Sweeney were also in attendance. The 15 graduates previously were on probation with Judges’ Groves, Patton and Moore. 

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Judge Groves and Judge Moore began the program, which has been instrumental in changing the lives of over 600 graduates, over 11 years ago.
According to Judge Groves, "If you can impact just one individual's life, that one individual has a family and hopefully they're impacting their family and raising the bar in our community. There's no question that as long as we have more people educated in our community, we're going to have a stronger community."


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