Local Rules of Practice and Procedure

Rule 4. Criminal Practice

4.01 Initial Appearance in Criminal Misdemeanor Arraignment and Felony Preliminary Hearing Sessions
4.02 Notifying Law Enforcement Agencies of Protection Order / Arraignment in Cases Charging Violation of a Temporary Protection Order
4.03 Misdemeanor Assignment Session
4.04 Individual Assignment to the Judge Assigned to Misdemeanor Arraignment Session
4.05 Court Costs Assessed to the Case
4.06 Felony Arraignment Initial Appearance / Preliminary Hearing Session
4.07 Time-to-Pay Fines, Costs and Fees
4.08 Authorization for Clerk to Accept Payment
4.09 Probable Cause Determination Procedure
4.10 Bail in Misdemeanor Cases
4.11 Bail in Felony Cases
4.12 Bond Forfeiture Proceeding
4.13 Electronic Transmittal of Criminal Complaints, Subpoenas and Bonds
4.14 Rules of Probation
4.15 Selective Intervention Program
4.16 Work Release Program
4.17 Judgment Entries
4.18 Time Schedule for the Deletion of Warrants
4.19 Traffic and Minor Misdemeanor Violations Bureau / Ticket Waivers
4.20 Criminal Case Management
4.21 Disposition of Outstanding Misdemeanor Capiases Involving Individuals Remanded Under Sentence to State Penal Institutions
4.22 Recoupment of Assigned Counsel Fees
4.23 Indigent Application Fee
4.24 Specialized Dockets

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